About Us

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Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Sulco Home is a division of Sulco Industries Ltd. We are manufacturers and packagers of consumer food wrap products and other household convenience items. Our goal is to bring value and commercial/institutional grade products into your home.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Welcome all to our new Blog site

A warm welcome and thank you for visiting with us.  We at Sulco hope to use this outlet to reach out to our customers, suppliers, loyal consumers and those just interested in reading about consumer food wrap products.

Sure ... even our competitors are welcome to read and post appropriate information.

In the weeks and months to come we will keep you informed with respect to developments both within Sulco Home and give you news pertaining to the food wrap industry.

On a monthly basis, we will also attempt to publish commodity pricing relating to the raw materials used in production plus keep you all updated on regional pricing at the retail level on most major items.